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Protein density diet - macromolecule compactness fare

31-01-2017 à 19:35:37
Protein density diet
Protein contains 16% nitrogen, which the body eliminates in the urine as urea. If a person has diabetes, the diet must also be designed to control blood sugar. This causes a decrease in the sensitivity of tubuloglomerular feedback, which, in turn, results in an increased glomerular filtration rate. While adequate protein is required for building skeletal muscle and other tissues, there is ongoing debate regarding the use and necessity of high-protein diets in anaerobic exercise, in particular for weight training and bodybuilding. A low protein diet, a diet in which people are required to reduce their intake of protein, is used by persons with abnormal kidney or liver function to prevent worsening of their disease. Examples of high-protein foods are tofu (shown above), dairy products, fish, and meat. If the kidneys, which are responsible for excretion of urea, are not functioning properly (renal failure), or if high levels of protein are continually present in the diet, urea and other toxic nitrogen compounds build up in the bloodstream, causing loss of appetite, nausea, headaches, bad taste in the mouth, and fatigue as well as possibly further adversely affecting the kidney or liver. Some consume protein supplements after bodybuilding workouts, as they provide a quick and easily consumable protein source. Proteins are required for growth, upkeep, and repair of body tissues. Generally foods in the high protein food group contains about 8 grams of protein per serving.

They also help the body fight infections and heal wounds. This can lead to discomfort if additional roughage is not added to the diet. The low protein diet is designed to reduce these nitrogen metabolites and ammonia in individuals with liver disease or kidney failure and to reduce the workload on the kidney or liver. A high-protein diet is often recommended by bodybuilders and nutritionists to help efforts to build muscle and lose fat. In cases where liver or kidney function is impaired, urea, ammonia or other toxic nitrogen metabolites may build up in the blood. As is apparent from the list below, many high-protein foods (indeed, most low-carb foods with protein) are fairly low in fiber. To control protein intake, foods such as starches, sugars, grains, fruits, vegetables, fats, and oils should be eaten at levels sufficient to meet daily energy needs. There are two main sources of protein in the diet: higher levels are found in animal products, including fish, poultry, eggs, meat, and dairy products), while lower levels are found in vegetable products (breads, cereals, rice, pasta, and dried beans). The low protein diet was developed by dietitians and nutritionists in response to adverse effects that protein can have on persons with kidney or liver disease.

Protein density diet video:

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